LMWN Event:

The Little Miami Watershed Speaks: Native Plants for Clean Water

WHERE: Countryside YMCA
Start Time: April 5th, 2025 9:00am
End Time: April 5th, 2025 3:00pm
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Registration Required – Click here Limited Spots are available for this fundraising event.

Little Miami Watershed Network will host best-selling author Douglas Tallamy as he speaks to the movement to “Start a New Habitat: Homegrown National Park”.  Tallamy, whose groundbreaking book “Nature’s Best Hope” sparked a national movement around restoring local ecological networks, has inspired communities to transform their residential landscapes into flourishing biodiverse sanctuaries. We will also hear from Bowyer Farm native plant manager and Cincinnati Zoo botanist Brian Jorg will headline the event sharing his expertise on native Southwest Ohio plants.

Author, professor, Entomologist, and Native Plant Guru Douglas Tallamy

Douglas Tallamy will be signing books after his talk. You can purchase his books and others at the event or bring your own copy for him to sign.

As the book signing concludes we will feature the award-winning film documentary “WATER” by Gary Beeber. Additionally, there will be educational booths from local community partners and vendors within the event space.

These presentations are being sponsored and supported by many groups in the area. To learn more about how your group can get involved contact; [email protected] or download the informational flyer.

***This is a Little Miami Watershed Network event and is not affiliated with the YMCA program or membership. Please do not contact YMCA for further information.***