The river is the backdrop to our adventures,
the guidepost of our present
and the pathway to our future.
Become a member of the Little Miami Watershed Network
Volunteer With Us
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill
Your talents and passions for the watershed and river are always valued, no matter the season. At LMWN we are always looking for volunteers! We have many great events lined up and opportunities where you can truly make a difference!
LMWN volunteers remove, on average, 1500 lbs of trash and 80 tires out of the river and its streams each year. Our volunteers spread the word about the watershed to thousands of people every year through our events and programs, helping our communities learn how to care for and appreciate clean water that .
There are a myriad of ways YOU can help!
Volunteer To:

Help at
LMWN events
LMWN puts on numerous events throughout the year. Event volunteers work at the event giving between 1 to 4 hours of time. They help with different activities at the event depending upon their interests and what needs to be done. This can be for one event a year or numerous events.
Develop and plan
LMWN Events
LMWN has an events planning committee where volunteers can help to develop and plan events. A volunteer can take on one or several events to develop, plan, and execute while on the committee. The committee meets on the third Wednesday every month over zoom. This position will require 1-2 hours a month of commitment.

Environmental and
Educational Speakers
LMWN leads many speaking and educational programs throughout the year. If you love nature and love talking to people about nature, this is a great volunteer role to take on. You can sign up to help with one speaking event or numerous events. This role requires between 1 to 4 hours of volunteer time per event.
General Roles
Within LMWN
LMWN is always in need of volunteers to help with marketing, communication, board members, and committee leaders. These volunteers work directly with the Executive Director to complete essential administrative tasks to keep our organization running smoothly. Taking on one of these roles would require several hours per month of volunteering.

Sign Up to Volunteer
Corporate Outreach
Interested in getting your company involved with LMWN?
We are always interested in building relationships with our local companies!