The river is the backdrop to our adventures,
the guidepost of our present
and the pathway to our future.
Become a member of the Little Miami Watershed Network
Become a Member
The Little Miami Watershed Network would like to invite everyone to become a member and help support the efforts of this organization.
The Benefits of becoming a member include:
- Benefits Under Review
- Invitation to the Annual Meeting
- Supporting our vision and mission
- Access to the eNewsletter
As a member, you will help us support our VISION and MISSION.
Actions we take to further our VISION and MISSION are:
- 2 river clean-ups annually to remove trash and tires. This helps keep the river and its banks looking their best. This improves the health of the river's aquatic life and makes its recreational use more safe and enjoyable.
- Organize family friendly events like family floats, stream quality monitoring and fishing derbies.
- Test the quality of the river water through the state's Stream Quality Monitoring process. SQM tests make sure the Little Miami River maintains its Warm Water Habitat status, sustains river life, and is safe for recreational use.
- Work with communities to help them maintain the balance between development and water quality. This ensures that the LMR scenic river status is maintained and future generations can enjoy the river and its corridor as you do today.