LMWN Event:

Little Miami Watershed Network

Start Time: January 1st, 1970 12:00am
End Time: January 1st, 1970 12:00am

Skunk Cabbage Hike

Estel Wenrick Wetlands 2855 Union Rd, Medway, OH

Even in the chill of winter signs of spring start to emerge in February. It’s the most exciting plant hunt of the year, the elusive and intriguing thermogenic plants. Skunk cabbage is often smelled before it’s seen. Thermogenic plants are capable of thawing frozen soil and melting snow; often producing flowers before leaves emerge!

Enjoy a morning stroll through the wetland with BW Greenway and Little Miami Watershed Network naturalists.

The Little Miami Watershed Speaks: Native Plants for Clean Water

Countryside YMCA 1699 Deerfield Drive, Lebanon, OH

Registration Required - Click here Limited Spots are available for this fundraising event. Author, professor, Entomologist, and Native Plant Guru Douglas Tallamy Little Miami Watershed Network will host best-selling author Douglas Tallamy as he speaks to the movement to “Start a New Habitat: Homegrown National Park”.  Tallamy, whose groundbreaking book “Nature's Best Hope” sparked a […]